Friday, March 1, 2013

Rest in Peace - Bonnie Franklin

Bonnie Franklin passed away today.  She was 69.


I remember watching One Day at a Time as a kid.  Back then I didn't realize how edgy, poignant and modern it was as far as sitcoms go ... a Norman Lear trademark (All in the Family, Maude).  I just remember it was a funny show with a sharp-tongued mom (Franklin), a cute, funny girl-next door (Valerie Bertinelli) and a funny handyman (Pat Harrington).  Mackenzie Phillips also co-starred.

Now, of course, I realize how important and forward-thinking the show was, portraying a realistic family dealing with realistic, sometimes taboo issues that many network shows were afraid to cover back then.  And how great a role model Franklin's Ann Romano was - a divorced mother raising her two teenage daughters, talking to them about sex, birth control and many socially relevant subjects and conflicts.

Franklin had a long career in entertainment, both on stage and screen, but it was One Day at a Time that made her a star.  Too bad it's not currently playing in syndication.  It was a great show.

Rest well, Ms. Franklin.

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